Nov 9, 2008

Email 2

This is done with the mail after it is spoken by telephone that I knew the truth on July 12 with him.

Hello Tonma

You are deceitful.
You told me 'I understand it ' 'Yes' many time.
I only hoped for minimum to you. I believed it.So, I'm big shock.

Then,You do not deny my story this time again.
The meaning is that you affirmed it.
So, You play with me.
But, You had to do it if you want play with somebody.

You do not say the reason that cannot be done at all this time.
The meaning is you have some women or wife already.
I shocked in your cheat of me.

You told me below.
You say me 'Yes'.


From: Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:58 AM
Subject: Obedience !
Hi ! K●●●n !
You obedient is 'good man' little last night.Please promise with me below, good for us.
① Please accomplish the promise.
② Please do not do my hated thing.
③ Please give me answer certainly . And,please do not do
the dusty answer. ( Yes or No. Can or Not. Do it or Don't it )
④ Please think about the over nest, and execute holiday with me.
⑤ Please gentle to me !!! always.!!!!!
⑥ Please hear my mind voice correctly.
These are not special and standards and easy too.
I do not say selfishness. This normality in the world.
Can you do it ? Please tell me it by Yes or No?
I'm happy is you are happy. Is this meaning understood ?
So, if you accomplish these promises, we are happy.
P.S The man who makes the woman happy does good work.
I know it. It has the ability to manage.
Everything great for you job more than now and us.
I am shocking in your lie.
You promised to me. My friend doesn't have the liar. You cannot play with me anymore


12.July 2008

Hello Tonma

I learnt your big lie ten minutes ago.
I examined it.Because you did not answer my question.

You have the son.You told me that I don't have child and wife.

His name Br●ndo●.You were cheating me for a long time.
Who is B●rbar● ? Is she long hear ?
So, You cannot do anything.
You cannot catch my call on holiday.
I understood this meaning.

Do you have the objection in this ?

It continues.

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