Oct 4, 2008

Pigs of ethics for SEMICON of NASDAQ

Why did not pig's wife know the fickleness of the pig for three years ?
Because, Pig's wife lives together with the pig for about 20 years more.
I found out it. But, I didn't live with the pig.
Pig's wife
was able to call to 'CHEATERS' (TV) if she didn't have any idea.
The married couple has a supervisory responsibility each other.
She chose money more than ethics.
Pigs do not have ethics anything.

I told this matter to the friend who was working in Japan of SEMICON and for US.
They know pig's company name already.
The employee in the company in pig's Japan will disgrace by him.

My many friend is cooperating in this matter.
But,I ran a fever yesterday and was not able to sleep.
So,I will be hospitalized. The blog takes a rest until I leave hospital.
They continue cooperating while I am being hospitalized.

I open the recording and the E mail of the conversation with the pig to the public
when I'll come back to home.
The pig was not able to take all the responsibilities for me.
So, the pig has already acknowledged this matter.

The semiconductor is a downward curve. And, the cost of the solar panel is high, and next generation's substitution energy has already shifted to another one.
The cost of it is cheaper than that of solar, and space is not needed.

Please wating it everyone !

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