Nov 27, 2008

Email 7

17.July 2008
My Email

Liar Liar Liar Liar!!!!!!
You didn't call me last night.
I could not sleeps from last weedend.
So, I slept drinking the sleeping medicine.
I think that you called me midnight.
It is bad manners.

18.July 2008
His Email

I did call you last night, but you did not answer.

18.July 2008
My Email

I have associated always seriously with you.
So,I suffer to much.
Don't forget this my mind to you
You didn't know my character to much.
Because,I didn't it that it is the lowest to play with the person.
I'm so sad by you think still that I'm same as you.
Please do not pain and not insult me any more. I'm not same as you.

So,My every friends rages to you.
They know to much that I have associated always seriously with you
and my character. Please ask to my friends if you don't think it.
We had happy time sometimes on your lie.
You knew that I was not satisfaction.

I hope for an early conclusion even during a day.

19.July 2008
My Email

I need your answer before next weekend.
You do not have the right to select.
You can think about it on this weekend too.
It's enough. Because,you have two weekend.
It is my maximum concession.
I can not sleep tonight either.
I don't want to use the sleeping medicine again.

25.July 2008
My Email

The time limit of the your answer is tomorrow morning.

25.July 2008
His Email

I will call you tomorrow morning (my time).


He did not make the proposal to me.
Then,He said giving to me time more.
He had enough time. So, He was going to run away.
He should expiate the crime to me.
But,He said that he wanted to help me.

So,I copied this conversation.


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