Sep 28, 2008

Pig doesn't have ethics

I’m writing to you regarding a matter of lowest Pig.
He is working at the company of NASDAQ in Fo●t Co●●ins in CO .
He was coming to make a business trip to Japan many times .

I have been his girlfriend for about 3years in Japan.
I did not know him to be a married man.
I just found out he is married on 12th July 2008.
I broke off the relationship as soon as I realized he was married.
He said to me he is single by divorce three years ago.
He associated with me by disregarding ethics of the society.
He said that the marriage life was done for 13 years,
it divorced three years ago, and there was not a child or girlfriend either.
He kept me as his girlfriend by lying for three years.
I was deceived and believe that it is possible
that he has also deceived the company and his family.
I’m not type of person who would accept a relationship with a married man.
So, I never agree on my association with married man.
I confirmed to him the single it first time and he had the chance to confess to me many times. Many my friends are the witness.
He judged that the lie would not come to light because I’m living in Japan.
But, The judgment was wrong, But he should have thought about what would happen when coming to light.
He goes out with me by big risk agreement, and the crisis-management is not made
He deprived me of three years and mortified me.
He gave me the business card first time.
I searched for his company by Internet. I didn’t think that the person who worked in NASDAQ told a lie, He made externals of his company dirty.
He said that he was unquestionable for the mail exchange by using the server of the company. The meaning that I am not ashamed.
He said me only ‘I’m sorry’ when I told him I found out.
He is not compensating for the official apology to me yet.
He damages me he must experience damage.
Then, He said that he’ll buy me the wristwatch one year ago more I saw that I liked.
He offered to want to buy the watch for me as his highest apology.
The amount of money of it is equal to child's pocket money.
My friends are amazed at the amount of money.
I refused it. He doesn't have sincerity
I think that he has girlfriend like a me in Taipei also.
Because, I find it difficult to reach him in Taipei.
The person who doesn't compensate will receive big punishment.
He is protected from the company and family (?).
But, he is not protected from the society anything. He is dregs of humanity.
I know that he will receive damnation in the future by this matter.

It will continue next time.

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