Feb 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday news

This massage for her to everybody.

He cannot take the consequences by himself.
He tries to have the wife take the consequences finally.

The decision where the wife took the consequences by such a matter is
and there is already a result in Colorado.

He refused the discussion through the lawyer and me.
Therefore,The wife will hire an attorney by his abdication of responsibility.

He will give the wife suffering and disgrace furthermore again .

I think that he need 'smart power' by Hillary Clinton.

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Jan 30, 2009

Birthday of nightmare

This is a message from her.

Dec 28, 2008

New Blog

Please click the banner below to a new blog.

She came back to Japan now. But, She will go out next month again.

Dec 24, 2008


E-mail is a copy and paste up to now.
But,the original E mail is put to copy as it is next time.
You can see it easy.
Then, It is put on a new blog site.
Don't worry it.
You can be seen from this blog site by the link.
And,You can know how to have cheated.

Please waiting it.

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Dec 23, 2008

Black Angel

We did it.
He did not need last chance.
The manager of this blog will change today.

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Dec 21, 2008


He is maintaining a silence.

However, nothing is solved even if becoming silent.

His shame extends to a lot of people, and never ends.

He is choosing shame more than the apology.

So,he thinks about neither pride and

nor the trouble to the company at all.

We do not waste the establishment of two blogs by it.

You will see a black angel in two days.

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Dec 18, 2008


All the preparations were complete.

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